Monday, September 27, 2010

A bit of this and that

Here it is Monday and I'm finally getting to this blog. The problem is I have a lot to say - I just never get around to sitting here and actually typing it out. With being a lifestyle photographer, I'm starting to figure out my busy and quiet seasons. Fall - is a really really busy season. It was last year as well. I just never like to count my chickens before they hatch so to speak. I thought perhaps that it was unusual. Well this being year number two - nope it's a trend! So hey you - yes you (is anyone reading this?! lol) if you thinking of doing fall pictures, I suggest tout suite (okay my french leaves some to be desired - I can admit that) going to get that done . I had every day booked this weekend, and it was interesting to note the leaves. Day one some leaves on the ground, but still a fair amount of green up in the trees. Day two, a little less green, more leaves on the ground. Today, aka Day 3, there were a lot of leaves and not much green. If you desire fall-esque type pictures I suggest a quick booking with your photographer of choice. Because all too soon there will be a large wind (I know Saskatchewan - wind - who would have thought it!), and then we will have barren trees.

I'm knee deep in memory cards - okay not knee deep, maybe thumb deep? - and post production.

I am a huge believer in getting it right in camera - but I also like to push and pull it a bit beyond the camera to where my imagination saw the image before I pushed the button to take it. Or to pull it to a place that a certain lens (ah one day tilt shift lens you shall be mine) can produce but alas is not my camera bag as of yet. I had written a note on facebook about photoshop. I might revisit the area here at some point.

At any rate, I'll just leave you this one picture - and at some point there will be more. I will also endeavor to not be so neglectful of this space. My goal is three times a week to put up a post. Keep me accountable internets :)

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