Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hello from Winter

Well Winter decided we didn't really need to be eased into the idea of snow, ice, windchills and cold - she just came. I've been away from my computer for five days. I have to admit I have a problem because I was actually going through withdrawal.

Where have I been computerless? Well this weekend I headed to Saskatoon to cheer on the Bisons Women's Hockey. Why not the Huskies? Because my sister is a player for the Bisons, so default cheering goes there! Unfortunately the games did not go well for the Bisons :( However I did get to spend time with the parents, and my baby sister so that was enjoyable :) Sunday a family braved the rain and wind, we did some photos in the park. Which was enjoyable, because I love taking photos and great kids!

Then a day in Regina, which turned into a stranding overnight at the Regina Bus Depot. I started off with thinking, boy the bus people are rather calm and normal. How odd. Anyone that spends anytime on a Greyhound knows there is always some characters there. But since I was spending my time on the cement floor to sleep (stupid chairs have armrests so you can't lay down), I was grateful for the normal. Then the East bound bus limped in from Calgary. I think it stopped at Ponoka somewhere along the way. Wow, so many oddities in so few people.

We did finally leave in the morning. Unfortunately many of the crazies decided to head back West, so not much peace was head.

I have to say I'm so thankful for my bed and warm, soft blankets. And my tub with lots and lots of bubble bath. While it was entertaining and had funny parts to it, I also was reminded of what some people's life really is like. Sleeping on the cement was not fun. Tolerable because it was heated, but what is it like for those that have to do that day after day on cold cement? Perhaps it's been Jordon's Cooper blog that has made me more aware of those that are homeless. Perhaps a bit of my own experiences lately as well, as that has been real possibility at some points over the last six months. I don't envy those that experience that day after day. I am glad the experience more grateful for what I do have. And I'm not just saying that. I challenge anyone to spend some time sleeping on the bus station floor, and I think your eyes are opened a bit. I am lucky in that I came home to a clean house with a clean soft bed.

At any rate so many images to go through. And other day to day stuff to get to. No pictures right now, but I did buy and eat some great cupcakes, and watch some hockey and other stuff that I will post pictures of at some point!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I have had a bit of a slower week, mostly due to a bad cold. Today I needed to get out and have some fresh air, and since Scentiments had loads of new stuff in, well it was time! I often do photography for them, keep their clients in the loop for what is new.

So here are a few of my favorite things and images from my afternoon there:

Saturday, October 16, 2010

An Absract Harvest

I love harvest. I don't know why I do, I just simply do. Must be that generations of farmers blood that is in my veins. This afternoon, I had the opportunity to catch a ride out to the fields and see how my uncles' respective harvests were coming along. My lucky bonus point was both were doing wheat. Perhaps this my prairie blood, but I see a field of wheat and I just fall into love.

Of course knowing this is where I was going I had grabbed my camera and macro lens. I wasn't sure what I was going to shoot. I just knew that I needed my macro lens. At first nothing was really working out. Then I did something I need to do more often, that the type A in me has trouble doing, I let go. I took a deep breath, and inhaled the beauty of the field and relaxed. I decided this is just for me, capture what you feel when you look at this field. What resulted was a memory card that is mostly abstract-like. Soft, flowing images. It's what I feel when I stand in a wheat field - soft, gentle, flowing, life and love.

So it's a bit of a departure from my norm. It's been so long since I've done photos that just feed my inner soul. But perhaps that is what I need to do a bit more often. As I was pleasantly surprised on how much the images captured exactly what I felt.

I hope you enjoy :)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Here it is Thursday Night already, or I guess some might say Friday morning. I do wonder at times what I was in my former life to be wide awake at night and want to sleep all day when the sun is shining :)

This is from another session out in the leaves. The weather was beautiful. The sisters were so cute and adorable. Mom and Dad were very sweet. We didn't go far. Just to a park near where I live, but it was the perfect location on this day.

I hope you enjoy the little peek :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Line

What is that line when it comes to a business blog? I have attended conferences, heard many different opinions in person and by various internet sources, have read debates and am still no further ahead on where that line is.

I realize that this is not the place to share my deepest thoughts. But at the same time photography is the type of industry where you need to have a connection with the people you photograph. If I can't develop that connection, I feel like a failure in being able to deliver photos that represent the person who I am taking photos of. But due to the nature of business, our time together is limited. So then I think isn't it better if you have some clue on what type of person I am?

Hmmm, it's tricky. But the photography blogs that I read from photographers I like, I like to learn little tidbits about them, about their lives, what makes them tick. Perhaps I'll give this more personal side a little bit of space.

To kick this off, I'll give you ten random tidbits of info:
1. I'm the oldest child in my family - and yes I do believe the oldest has it the hardest!
2. I love thunderstorms. To answer that question you are asking yourself, I am that crazy person in our little city that will either be on the overpass or in the big wide open field taking pictures of the lightning.
3. Ice cream - mmmmm ice cream should be it's own special food group. Favorite flavor changes with my moods.
4. Hate coffee but love the smell of it. My caffeine addiction comes in the form of Coke - yes real Coke Classic - no substitutions allowed!
5. I'm a bed snob. Seriously I am. My bed has only 300 count Egyptian cotton sheets, and it's a pile of softness. But thankfully I am only a bed snob for my own bed!
6. I'm addicted to travel. I have been known to randomly pick a place to go because there was a seat sale there - and for no other reason than that.
7. Adore planes and airports, the feel of the engines powering up for take off and for landing always make me smile.
8. Discovery channel addict. I could live without a lot of TV but life without the Discovery Channel just seems so sad.
9. I shoot Nikon and prior to that was Pentax. And while I may throw a joke or two when I when I see a client shooting Canon, I really don't get the big 'war' on which is better. For me it was Pentax had reached a limit on what camera bodies/lenses they could offer me. I choose Nikon because it just felt right the moment I picked it up. The Canon just didn't fit my hands - that simple.
10. Four years ago, I would have never thought I would be where I am today having a photography business. Never. And here I am. I know there is still much for me to learn and prefect. But I have come a long way and am so thankful for everyone that has pushed me to do this. They knew better than me what a perfect fit it is for me. That's another whole post - which I may do one day. Suffice it to say, I am extremely thankful for each and everyone of my clients - you guys literally make my world a better a place!
Just a quickie. I was out at the airport today - ah old Swift Current airport... how does one describe it? Besides probably ranking up next to near no traffic, it does have some very cool old buildings, that may not look neat to the eye, but on camera - a whole different story. The textures just translate into wonderfulness.

At any rate, thought I would share one photo from my fun out there today - just because I wanted to give you all a smile too :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

More Leaf Fun

Whew, caught up on all my editing today! In the words of Buffy - may I have a Woo and a big Hoo! Yes I admit I like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, all I ask is don't slam it until you see it :) It's a hilariously funny show.

Anyway this post is not about TV, but another session out in the leaves.

It seems Mother Nature somehow lost her text messages and emails because now in October we finally have summer! Which has been a nice change for pictures. Last year by this time we had a huge freak blizzard that froze all the trees. And the leaves just dropped off, before even changing colours, just green leaves dropping everywhere. It's been nice to have a bit more leeway this year to schedule a more than one fall session! As last year's fall became more winterish.

Mom was such a sweetie. You could tell dad adored the kids. And the kids were such sweet well behaved little ones. I think my favorite age is becoming 6 months, they just have this look of 'my isn't everything grand!'.

Well off o finish up some other tasks.

pssst - did you notice I made it to three posts this week?!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fun in the Leaves

I wonder if I could make a random title generator that would just spit out fabulous blog post titles, because let's be honest, mine kinda of are pathetic.

Anyway, was out in the leaves last week with a very cool family. Two boys, mom and dad. Felt a little sorry for mom with all of that testosterone! After just a few minutes, I could tell who was the funny one of the family - the youngest son! Oh my, he had me laughing a few times and it was great when I was able to capture some of his antics forever in photo. Though perhaps on his grad or wedding day he may have different thoughts about that!

Mom is a fellow scrapbooker, so I have to admit, I changed my shooting style a bit to get those great scrapbooking photos. One asks is there a difference? Sometimes yeah a bit, just little more real, a little more earthy and a little more detail.

It was fun time and I was a bit sad when it was over. The leaves were beautiful, the weather was beautiful and such willing subjects - what more could I ask for?!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Round 2 of Classes

Last week was the SLR Intro Class at the Art Gallery. I love teaching people how to take better photos. Everyone deserves good pictures and with just a couple of techniques to get that basic understanding can make a big difference. Or it could be because I get to talk about one of my favorite subjects at length - either or! :)

All my classes had wonderful ladies in them, full of questions with their cameras in tow. It ranged from the young mom to the grandmom and all in between.

I am talking to the Art Gallery about offering Photoshop Classes in November so stay tuned for that :)

In the mean time I do offer one on one instruction for those that are interested in both photography and photoshop (elements or the whole version of photoshop).

I wish this post was a bit longer but I do need to return to my photo editing - have lots of families waiting for their pictures. Previews will hopefully be coming up soon.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Here it is Saturday night - where did this week go? And I think I may fail in my posting three times a week goal. At least for this week I will.

The current session I am editing can not be shared due to privacy/safety issues, so I am left bereft of pictures. I have sadly not taken any personal, just for me images - because well it has been busy! And those that I have taken have had a healthy chat with with Mr. Delete button.

So what made my world go round this week?

1. Had a lovely evening out with good friends. The reason was for a goodbye as one is moving away (boooooooo). Yet it was a time I really enjoyed, laughter, talk, more laughter, destressing, laughing, cheers, and more laughing. I love that group of ladies!
2. Fall sessions in the leaves. Alas the dwindling leaves. Fall has arrived. Fall is now disappearing. At least the leaves are. Which is making it tricky to find spots for this week's clients - as there are being very little leaves left on the trees.
3. Cute kids in the leaves. I know I know, I'm not really a kid person. Yet I do love child photography. Kids don't know how to pose, they aren't fake, they are happy, sad, mad, playful, angry, disappointed, elated - and can experience all the above in five minutes or less. Capturing those moments is a challenge but one I always find rewarding.
4. Craft sale - took some time off in the afternoon to browse a local craft show. The biggest joy was finding this great toffee my friend B bought last year, calling her to confirm, then talking way too long on the cell, and then buying said toffee. Seriously great stuff - just melts in your mouth, mmmmmm.
5. Bike rides - trying to scout out places where the leaves are on the trees and not on the ground - alas not much luck! But lots of fresh air and excercise.
6. Ice Cold Coke - the real stuff, none of that fake sugar, fake no name, no caffiene crap, real Coke. Ah Coke you do put some sun into my day (or in my case moon light into my night).

What is the plan for this week? Some more photo shoots and some serious time with my computer. Had my memory card reader break this week - ah yes that was a fine evening, and the part I hate about small community living. In a larger city - something, somewhere would have been open. Here? Nope, nada, nothing. And we are talking about 6pm - I know devilishly late I tell you! Not even Wally world had anything in stock.

Boring Post? I concur! Hoping to spice it up next week - or heck even get an image up or two!