Sunday, January 23, 2011

Taking Chances

Perhaps some of you know that I take beginner photography classes at the local art gallery. One thing I always try my hardest to impart to the students is take a chance. See what happens.

I can be just as guilty as this too. I fall into ruts. Well it's always worked this way. Lately though, I have been restless. I've been starting to play. See what happens. Break some photography rules. I do firmly believe photography rules are good to know. As a professional, it helps in those times when I need to do something, the rules give me a starting point. But these rules are not the be all and end all.

So two rule breaking photos occurred.

Rule number one: don't photograph flowers from straight on. No idea who came up with that rule. I understand it's contact. Flowers are full of dimension, shadows, lights and really are just a joy to play with. Believe it or not, I am not a gardener, hate it. But I do love me some taking flower photos. Lately I have been fascinated with the top of flowers. Perhaps spending too much time doing the sides and bottoms.

Rule number two: why break what isn't broken? I was a bit bored with the beautiful rose. It was beautiful. But I had done a version of that photo how many times, then I remembered I had glitter. Out came the glitter, and some glitter throwing commenced. Let me tell you how much fun that was! I love the end result. It's not perfect, still needing some practice. But I can tell this will be something I will play with again..... Though I have the sinking feeling I will be finding glitter everywhere in my house for days and days to come!

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