Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wedding Questions

I know another post! I'm almost shocked too!

This week has been all about weddings. I know it's January but this when the bookings seem to happen and inquires start coming in.

This lead to me thinking a lot about common questions and/or comments that the wedding couple to be has, so I thought maybe I should make a list of some of those things.

1. Why do you have a deposit and a contract?
Answer: When you put down that deposit you are guaranteed that day I will be there. It's also in the unlikely event that something was to happen where the wedding was called off, I have some way to recoup some of the time and work I have put into that day. Chances are pretty good if it's in the high volume summer season, another wedding may have be turned away for your event, which is a loss of income.

The contract is to make sure everyone is on the same page as to expectations. It's also ensures to you I will be there. I will not last minute cancel. I will not all of sudden not show. I will be there.

2. But my friend has a really good camera....
Answer: A good camera does not a photographer make. If you need evidence of this check out the web, there are plenty of really bad images made by a good camera. Your friend may be a good photographer. That's great! But I can only speak from my experience, after shooting a few weddings, it is ever more clear to me than ever before, wedding photography is a whole special beast. There are things I have to think of on the fly, I have back up plan A, B, C and D.... I have had to learn how to use light more effectively, how to manipulate my camera settings to their full potential. I'm saying this so it's understood that when you hire a professional, there is more than clicking the shutter. There are also little tricks we have learnt along the way to make you look your best.

Another little point to consider is, I have booked a couple of weddings last minute because the friend changed their mind about coming. Once again why that contract is so important.

3. Can my friend help shoot the wedding?
Answer: I think each photographer has a different answer for this. Mine is usually no. I find when it comes to the formal portraits, there needs to be one clear vision and voice. This is again to ensure you have the best images possible. However, I have been open to it if I can met the person gauge their experience and set down some very firm ground rules. We all have to start somewhere. And the best experience is when you don't have all the pressure to actually preform that day but a chance to learn. So it's something to discuss but also realize that most photographers will say no.

4. Who should I book for flowers? DJ? Hall? etc...
Answer: Ask away. I think most photographers that shoot weddings know the local vendors. We know which ones have had exceptional service. We may know where to find an item that you are having a hard time finding. It is a personal opinion, but wedding photographers have the unique advantage over a bride in that we work with the vendors over and over and over again, which gives the opportunity to form that opinion over multiple encounters.

I have been fortunate to have worked with awesome brides so far, that realizing I'm new to the wedding scene, still trusted me to capture their day. I am forever grateful to you. I'm equally excited about working with the brides for 2011. First wedding of the year is less than 3 weeks away!

So those are my thoughts this late Wednesday night. I'll leave you with one of my favorite images from a recent wedding:

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